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Ziplines Give You Wings

Photo credit: Kapalua Resort's Facebook page.
Photo credit: Kapalua Resort’s Facebook page.

You are not a bird. You do not have wings. You cannot catch a thermal and wheel around the sky, looking down at the Earth at if it is your domain. You, dear reader, are all too human.

And yet you still want to fly. Over the gorgeous gulches on the West Maui Mountains.  You want to soar over the verdant green as naturally (read: safely) as, well, a bird.

So what to do?

It’s simple: sign up for a zipline ride with Kapalua Adventures. You won’t be flapping your wings, true, but you will be doing a kind of flying simulation—one that is as safe as it is comfortable.

Clad in clothes suitable for athletic outdoor activities and minus any jewelry, you’ll strap into the nylon harness and slide across one of eight zipline spans, two of which are more than 2,000 feet long. If you’re with someone else, you can ride along parallel ziplines and wave hi with your wing, er, hands.

So, yeah, going with a friend can help alleviate any apprehension you may have.  But if you’re still nervous, don’t worry: the good folks at Kapalua Adventures will help you along.

“Our Tour is designed to gradually prepare you for some of the higher, longer zip lines,” according to their website. “Our professionally trained guides will be with you at all times to make sure that everyone has a positive experience. All our equipment is checked daily and meets or exceeds all industry standards.”

So fear not. Flying is easy at Kapalua Adventures.

Located at the Kapalua Resort

Kapalua Village Center – 2000 Village Road